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A - Aladdin
BB - Beauty and the Beast
BW - Babes in the Wood
C - Cinderella
DW - Dick Whittington
G - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
H - Humpty Dumpty
J - Jack and the Beanstalk
GC - Going Crackers
MG - Mother Goose
PB - Puss in Boots
P - Pantomania
PP - The Pied Piper
RC - Robinson Crusoe
SB - Sleeping Beauty
SS - Summer Season
SW - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
W - Where the Rainbow Ends
BW 1935
A 1936
DW 1938
BW 1939
C 1940
GC 1942
P 1943
MG 1979
BW 1944
C 1945
J 1947
C 1948
J 1956
BW 1957
C 1959
MG 1960
PP 1965
DW 1973
MG 1974
DW 1978
MG 1979
MG 1985
A 1986
A 2014
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